Sarah Super is a rape survivor, training consultant, and activist. She trains individuals and organizations to be trauma-informed in everyday interactions.
Sarah has experience in training, consulting, and program coordination in mission-based programs, including Hennepin County, the YWCA of Minneapolis, the Human Rights Center at the University of Minnesota, and the Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute.
As Founder of Break the Silence, a non-profit to support victims/survivors of sexual violence, Sarah helped create a permanent, public Memorial to Survivors of Sexual Violence (located in Boom Island Park in Minneapolis, MN). She successfully lobbied to eliminate the criminal statute of limitations for felony sex crimes in Minnesota. She organized community truth-telling events, public demonstrations, a choir, and a photography project as platforms where survivors could say their names and tell their stories if they wanted to.
She has been certified to teach vinyasa yoga since 2009 and has specialized in trauma-sensitive yoga since 2013.
Sarah received her M.Ed. in Human Resource Development and a dual B.A. magna cum laude in Sociology and American Studies from the University of Minnesota.
“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted, and behold, service was joy.””